Orange Scrummel are cute and unassuming, but strong in their own right. They also carry with them Panticas, which can be incredibly useful to those just starting out in the paths of Medenia. They are found in the beginning fields of Asilon Prairies.
Fleal look something like a floating pillow, with bright yellow eyes. They are beautiful to watch in motion, but if you desire the keys they carry you will
need to fight for it. They are often seen floating about deep in
the Asilon Prairies.
Phowa Gladiators are the hardened warrior women of the Phowa tribes, native to Noam Plains, just outside of Noam Village.
NamuNamu are curious leaf-like tribesmen, found in the heart of Noam Plains. They are flighty and easily startled, so you must be swift!
Marble Keys
Leaf Keys