(vol.1 Temuarian Pantheons)
by Nephthys in Dark Ages
In my many deochs of study about the spirituality of Temuair, i found there are many works (some goods, others not as goods) about gods, but that all fall into the same principle; they all give as a fact that there exist eight gods, together in a Temuarian pantheon, that were worshipped by mundanes since the begining of times. It is remarcable that all the god's studies (and some other works too) inherit the Chloe's vision of an eigth points start «system». Nothing i can say against Chloe's octagram and god's relations as it was proven true by experience but my studies in others fields of knowledge (mainly history) lead to a serie of misunderstandings that can be explained if we «forget» for a moment about the Chloe's octagram.
The parchment you have now on yours hands will take a look at gods under another point of view. We will take into account the civilitation who worshiped each god, their cultures and how the History modiffied the believes of people. We will also study the ways each culture explain its own believes, how those explanations change upon time and finally how those explanations, modiffied and adjusted by each new civilitation, come to us as a myth. I will not claim to have some ancient parchments or a translation of a forgotten aosdic manual, all that i know can be researched at Loures library and is the work of many aislings. It is not my intention to add any new theory or such, but to put together many bits and pieces of knowledge that remains isolated to recreate a general vision of our mythology.
This work is addressed to anyone who wishes to take a deeper look at Temuair religion, its gods and myths. It is assumed the reader have a basic knowledge about religion and theology and a brief knowledge about temuarian history.
The object of this first volume is to study the different pantheons each civilitation have, how they survived and change up to ours days and a brief detail of the ideas and beliefs of the named civilitations.
Aosdan Pantheon:
In fact, the most ancient pantheon of temuarian civilizations but our knowledge of it is incomplete as it is incomplete the knowledge of aosdan theirselfs. There are many studies about aosdic culture and history but this is beyond the scoope of this work. I suggest the reading of Kedian's "Aosdan Mystic Theory" and Maerista’s "The Book of the Black Cow".
The aosdan phanteon may be composed of many gods and can be divided into two group. , the Earth-Sea gods and the Kadath related theology (also called Others Gods). Unfourtunately, only written records of three of them survived to ours days: Gramail, Luathas and Fiosachd. All three together form the Gramail's trinity that many aislilings and mundanes worship. . It is also noticeable that the first writting record about any temuarian god is about Luathas (Grinneal 26,945) but mundanes start to worship Fiosachd and Gramail more recently (Danaan 2,342 and 3,004 respectively).
From what we can know now, the aosdan worshipped the Earth-Sea gods at first and sometime later (between grinneal 9,000 and Grinneal 9,200) a new religion appear and a major division in aosdan belief may be set. The Earth-Sea gods are the representation (or may we say explanation?) of some "misteries" like fire, sea, love and knowledge. They are like the spirit behind those things and/or ideas. The evolution in the aosdan philosophy leads to Kadath, a breakthrough in common worship and the introducction of a new world beyond Temuair. This world, Kadath, is both, where the spirits go after the physical death and the home of the gods. A future expansion of this belief give Kadath the form of a warrior too (as we can read in some aosdan records) linked with the power of destruction, death and (maybe but this can´t be proven) evil. This last belief of a god of death and destruction is more likely biassed due in grinneal 15,000 the Kadath religion dissapear as well as their followers (maybe killed in a civil/religious war with others aosdans) and may be an invention of the victors or an addition of future civilitations that assimilated Kadath with evil.
Few myths are related to aosdan gods and the main theme of all of them is how a mortal beign was able to reach Kadath and/or became god. This is significative due many people mistake aosdan as a race of gods or others powerfull beigns. Both, Luathas and Gramail are believed to be aosdan scholars who in one way or another were able to "ascend" into gods. Fiosachd is supposed to be an aosdan too, but not a scholar as Luathas and Gramail. He is described as an adventurer and a wanderer. Fiosachd was also the first beign who went to the underworld and returned from it alive. This may be prior to the Fiosachd "ascension" into deity but also must be a future adition to His myth, due the fact the Underwold as we know it now is originated in the eigth aeon. Finally, there exist a believe that the three gods are in fact the same, with three diferent faces or, in other words, a common believe with three diferent branches or schisms.
Hy-Brasyl Pantheon:
In Grinneal 32,092 the human discovery of the "Tuata de danaan" leads to a major change, the most noticeable, of course, is the dating system and the naming of the world as Temuair. Most of the history of Hy-Brasyl is recorded nowadays but unfourtunately i was unable to find any work about their culture or philosophy. In the other hand, we can find some references to hy-brasyl culture and believes in many of the written historic records.
The humans at times of Hy-Brasyl "rediscover" many of the aosdic knowledge, including the Earth-Sea gods and Kadath, and mix them with theirs own beliefs. They also start to worship the goddess Danaan, and gave Her some powers of theirs ancients gods. Danaan became the Mother of All, gods inclusive, so a new pantheon is made with the same name of the world, Temuair. The gods live in Kadath, beign Kadath like a paradisse again, where the souls went when they die but also a place far beyond the north. Danaan became mother by having two childs: Glioca and Ceanlaidir. By the union of those two gods, Cail is created, who ultimately represent Temuair as a living beign.
Of course, this was not always this way. There exist a gap in the Hy--Brasyl history of around 1,000 years. Glioca origin is undoubtely a reminiscence of an earth-sea goddess of moon. She is still worshipped as a moon goddess nowadays in some places. The first reference of this ancient goddess with her new name of Glioca is from danaan 1,523. Also, from what we know about Hy-Brasyl culture, there is unbeliable a god of war like Ceannlaidir. A posible origin of this belief is, as Maerista suggest in the "Book of the Black Cow", an ancient aosdic myth. Taking into accout that the split of Hy-Brasyl event is daten in danaan 1,102 and the reference of a worship to a war god in danaan 1,117, this lead us to the conclusion this god (also called Cae by some) may be our current Ceanlaidir. Another posible origin is a corruption of the myth of Kadath (Kadath the man, the powerful warrior) but it is not until danaan 1,399 that Hy-Brasyl society start to worship Kadath and the Others Gods openly.
The inclusion of Cail in the actual pantheon is dated in danaan 2,988 (three aeon later!!!) and it´s related to the Silent Rebelion in Undine but the drowing of Hy-Brasyl happened in danaan 1,431. Also the studies of Seanchas Temuair give us a data (around danaan 1,398) when first temples are build in towns and Churchs and priests of temuarian gods flousish. So here something must be wrong. If we take a deeper look at the hy-brasyl pschicology, we notice they do not believe in anything bad or evil. Even the word evil was not of common use until the split of Hy-Brasyl. Here we can suspect of a later change, like in the cases of Glioca and Ceanlaidir, where a more ancient belief take a form and the humans name the new deity Cail.
Dubhaim Pantheon:
The more notable aspect of dubhaim culture is its darkness. Nowadays some mistake darkness with evil; this is easely understanded but absolutelly wrong. The dubhaim civilitation was discovered by mundanes some aeons ago but it is hard to talk about its origins. As a workbook about dubhaim culture, i will suggest Deksar´s "Society of the Dubhaimid" or KailieannP´s "Lagorah Dubhaimid".
The dubhaim pantheon consist basically of three gods: Chadul, Sgrios and Deoch. The mundanes start to worship them in diferent periods; they first start to worship Sgrios in danaan 1,711, Chadul in danaan 1,813 and Deoch in danaan 2,573. The development (i must say here corruption but this can be consider as unholy and heretic) of the dubhaim pantheon when mixed with mundane culture is the more noticeable and interesting. The first and more remarcable, is the addition of an "Underwold". Before, the aosdan beliefs talk about a comfortable place where our souls go when we die, to rest forever with the gods. With the worship of Sgrios, the notion of Underworld and the division between good and evil is introduced in the human philosophy two gods realms, Kadath where reign the peace and the happiness, and an unnamed Underworld where Sgrios rule with authority. This Underwold, is the place where our nigthmares born and also the birth place of the dubhaimid.
Chadul gets quickly the powers of Pain, Suffering, Darkness and Evil in the mundane belief. Any "bad" adjective is included into the Chadul´s sphere. He is raised as the second most powerful deity, after Danaan, or even equaly powerfull. From this belief, Danaan and Chadul as the two "kings" of theirs respectives pantheons (temuarian and dubhaimid), has originated many of our current myths.
From the Anaman Pact myth, we know Chadul, as "boss" of Sgrios, requested the ruler of the Underworld to give an exceptional treatement to Tenes and his allies, breaking the first rule of this Underworld where «nothing that enter it may be able to exit again». As we saw earlier in this work, this pact is reinforced by the myth of Fiosachd visiting the Underwold. This later leads to the pact between Sgrios and Deoch, a pact that agree to return to Temuair the souls of the aislings after theirs death.
Deoch, the last of the dubhaimid gods, has an extended bibliography. In short, he was worshipped as a debauchery god but soon humans won the dubhaimid wars and the deoch worshipper maybe were hunted down by heretics and followers of the "evil" gods. This witch hunt still is alive in our days, when we punish public nudity and obscene words. By some obscure manipulations and interpretations of the dubhaim writtings, the Deoch priests managed to make a a new origin to their god, giving Him the esence of what is hidden behind debauchery: feeling of liberty, imagination, passion. Soon, this "new deity" became the more apreciated and worshipped at this time of darkness and many myths were born finding new links between Deoch by one side, and Danaan, Glioca and the others human gods in the other side, assimilating Him into the temuarian pantheon. The recent new race of aislings, a mix between humans and tuatas for some and a mutation of humans for others, where supposed to be His creations, as Danaan created the tuata and Chadul created the dubhaim. To honor Deoch, at the date of danaan 3,292 and the appearance of the first aisling, the humans change the dating system.
This work will never been written without the help of Jean, Marlin and all the staff of the Loures Library. Many thanks also to Seanchas Temuair, and the aislings Aeife, Maerista, Napie, Angelkique, Xibalba, Nenia, Dartanian, Timura, Kaiel and Tasec for theirs excelents works about ancient temuarian History. Thanks to Aeife, Angelic, Chaltier, Chloe, Chult, Cliona, Dartanian, Deksar, Dryst, Feena, KailieannP, Katrionah, Kedian, NitroTFD, Stella, Xilan and Zelina for theirs inspiring essays about our theology and deities. Thanks to Rosemerta, Feena, Chloe, Cliona, Pashura and Kayura for teaching me the priesthood path. Thanks (again) to Chloe, we all will miss you forever. Thanks (again) to Feena, this world will not be the same without you. Thanks to Deksar, my dear professor. And thanks to all the Luathas worshipers, acolytes and priests, thanks to all of them for all the help they give me each day.
Written in the calm and silent coast of the Isle of Man, between Deoch 13 and Deoch 18
Nephthys, worshipper of Luathas, member of the Teanga de Cein guild and citizen of Rucesion.