A Guide to Sacred Forest

By Megalodon


The following guide offers information about the mysterious Sacred Forest. As of Deoch 179, this is one of the latest territories discovered by Aislings. Very little lore and history have been shared about the area despite it being a popular hunting destination. For this reason, I studied the Sacred Forest as much as I could to share more knowledge about our world. This guide is meant for hunters, historians, and philosophers.

My research is supported by my personal observations, conversations with the Mundanes of Tavaly, Aman, and Plamit, and Laurier’s philosophy class on the crystals in Salaime. I also learned a lot about Medenia history from Brittany's essay: the History of Medenia. I added citations for ideas shared from my fellow Aislings. I considered their ideas against my own research and then expanded on them.

Table of contents:
Tribe Relationships: Trade and Conflict
Sacred Forest Daily Quest
Sacred Forest: Creature Index
Group Hunting Guide
Group Hunting Rates and Rewards


Sacred Forest is north of Tavaly Village. These two locations are found in the northern end of the Great Valley in Salaime. The Great Valley, as the Tavalians call it, lies in the heart of Salaime and is formed by two parallel mountainous ridges: the Tavaly Ridge to the left and Nageling Bowl to the right (The History of Medenia, Brittany). Most of the Great Valley is swampy terrain that includes Aman Jungle. 

Rumor has it that the hostile creatures of Sacred Forest descended from the wind baem in the Nageling mountain ridge. They could also be descendants of the baem gadeu that are fanatic followers of the wind baem. Philosopher Laurier presented these theories because they are a species of wind, close to Nageling, and have some similar physical attributes to the wind baem in Plamit. Laurier calls the creatures of Sacred Forest the forest baem of wind, or forest baem for shorthand. Tavalians call them the forest tribe and crystal tribe.

I believe the forest baem theory is strong after doing more research. The forest baem and wind baem creatures in Plamit Cave have similar ability levels and behaviors. When you see the forest warriors from far away, you can catch them using the wind element to glide through the forest. The forest guardians summon gales of wind to bounce around and leap over great distances in mid air.

Aislings who talk to Maria Christine of Plamit learn that the baem of the wind created a relentless army to destroy all they perceive as enemies over the aeons. The wind element grew bitter and cold and did not settle like the other elements. Ever since, the baem of wind have relentlessly attacked every living being they have come across (Maria Christine). This is exactly how the forest baem seem to behave.

I spoke with chief Quinn of Tavaly and Maria Christine to learn more about the origins of the forest baem. Maria claims that the wind baem were once a nomadic force that travelled throughout Nageling to dominate the mountains. The terrain is easier to navigate when one controls the element of wind. A tribe of this nomadic force or race probably settled in northwest Salaime.

Sacred Forest is very abundant in crystals. Crystals also grow in Aman. When Aislings explored Aman, they quickly learned the high economic value of this resource. Aislings trade crystal bars and orbs in Medenia for things like access to passageways and knowledge of more powerful skills and spells.

​Tribe Relationships: Trade and Conflict

Historians should pay close attention to crystals because this resource is a source of conflict between tribes in Salaime. Chief Quinn says that the hostile forest baem believe the crystals have spiritual value. The forest baem are well aware that the earth tribes of Salaime harvest this resource as a commodity. They will protect this sacred resource with their lives.

Chief Quinn believes there is more that explains why the forest baem are hostile. He says they view all the tribes to the south as inferior peoples because they are cursed with the lowest element: earth. They see the Tavalians and Amanites down south as inferior parasites of the Earth Spirit that must be stopped from perverting the world with their essence.

Remember this testimony comes from the Tavalians who benefit from our alliance. Tavaly is always fighting with the forest baem. What would the forest baem have to say about the conflict? I wish I knew. I have not been able to communicate with the forest baem without getting dogpiled. They could tell us a different story. Maybe the neighboring tribes keep trespassing to steal their resources. In class, philosopher Laurier told us a theory that we could be seeing a conflict similar to the Goblins and Grimlok who fight over Conix. We cannot take one side’s view for granted.

Noble Brittany published a long history essay about Medenia shortly after we Aislings discovered Yowien Territory in Deoch 107. She wrote up a lot of research about the Amanites that the Tavalians say is correct. The Amanites have lived in harmony with other nations for most of Medenia’s history (the History of Medenia, Brittany). We also know from Brittany's history essay that Aman is geographically isolated. According to the chiefs of Tavaly and Aman, their people share a common ancestor of the earth element. This ancestor could be the earth baem that Maria Christine said could have existed before they were wiped out by the wind baem. I leave it to a history researcher to look more into this theory.

Within the past hundred Deochs, the Amanians created better trade routes with their earth kin to the north to strengthen ties. Believe it or not, the improved trade relationship between Aman and Tavaly was sped up by Aislings easing tensions in Aman. Aislings successfully convinced Vortigern and the Hostile Chief to apologize to each other (A History of Medenia, Brittany). According to the Amanite chief Vortigern, creating new trade routes let Aislings to travel deeper into north Salaime and find safe passageways to Plamit in Nageling. But these routes were also made out of fear of Tavaly falling to the forest baem. You can see on my map below that the Amanites and Tavalians created an underground trade route along the Nageling Ring to the right.

The forest baem continue to encroach on Tavaly. If Tavaly falls, their earth kin to the south are exposed. Is this fear exaggerated? I do not think so. If Chief Quinn’s comments about the forest baem’s attitude towards the earth peoples are true, what stops the baem from going on a crusade against Aman to conquer the Crystal Caves and turn it into a holy sanctuary? The earth tribes struggle against their natural weakness, the wind element.

In the map above, I drew lines to show three trading routes in Selaime. Aman is represented by the white circle because it is becoming the centre point for commerce in Salaime. The light red circles show the open trade route between Tavaly and Aman. Popular Amanite exports include their delicious Aman frog legs, swamp flora with medicinal properties, dendron flowers, crystals, and timber. Tavaly exports a lot of industry supplies for building, like stone, marble, and composite materials. Tavaly harvests less of their own crystals these days because of fighting with the forest baem. Tavaly and Aman also trade special tools for things like mining and harvesting crystals.

The dark red triangles along the Nageling bowl show the underground trade route that is very guarded. I think this route is used to transport armaments to deal with the threat of the forest baem. The chiefs of Tavaly and Aman will not reveal more about it. I found out about it by watching goods getting transported.

The purple trade route is between Aman and Hwarone. Amanites have a distant but peaceful relationship with Hwarone. Hwarone recently started importing more goods from Aman. Hwarone’s exports include ginseng, black sun tea leaves, and ore collected from battles with the creatures of Andor and Veltain Mines.
Unlike Aman, Tavaly did not enjoy peace since the Tenth Aeon when the wind baem descendants settled in north Salaime. Whether because of crystals, territory, or their connection to different elemental spirits, the forest baem and Tavaly have not gotten along at all. This might not be their fault if the forest baem really are related to the wind baem who violently attack every living being.

If you enter the first area of Sacred Forest, you will see the ruins of Tavaly’s greatest achievement in architecture below:

The first thing every Aisling sees when passing through Tavaly is the beautiful architecture. It is unrivaled in Medenia. Chief Quinn held back tears when he talked about the great citadel that got ransacked by the forest baem in the area outside Sacred Forest entrance. It is a miracle that the Tavalians have been able to hold their ground after losing the citadel. Enlisting the help of Aislings gave the villagers enough resistance to stop the forest baem from intruding deeper in their town.​

​Sacred Forest Daily Quest

At the entrance to the Sacred forest you will find Chief Quinn. He has enlisted the aid of Aislings to defend against the forest baem. If you have reached the 20th ability, he will offer you daily mercenary contracts. Speak with him and he will give you the task of killing twenty of one of the three creatures: Guardians, Warriors, or Barbarians. The creature you are asked to kill depends on which are found harassing villagers on any given day. You have 8 suns (( 24hours )) to complete the assignment. The reward is 150million experience and a legend mark "Completed Sacred Forest Daily Quest". This quest can be repeated every 8 suns (( 24 hours )). Kills are shared by the group, so each person in the group will receive credit.

​Sacred Forest: Creature Index

       Forest Warrior 
       Hit points: 822,930
       Level: 99
       Attack element: Lightning
       Defense element: Lightning
       Experience: 4,000,000 / Ability: 10,000
       Gold drop: 3,700 coins 

​​By chanting the tune of the wind, this creature glides effortlessly through the Sacred Forest. In the blink of an eye the Forest warrior will launch an assault onto any trespasser in sight. Armed with a two-handed spear and the force of the wind, the warrior unleashes devastating attacks. Do not be fooled by the leather armor. The warrior's real defense comes in the form of magic protection. The warriors move with such haste that they generate cyclones that reflect the assails of any Aisling who dares strike them. Less violent than the barbarian, the warriors always keep their composure on the front line of battle, which lets them maintain their defensive positioning.

They are of the highest ability like the creatures you find in the Red Dragon cave. It goes without question the species of wind naturally have powerful abilities.

      Forest Barbarian
​      Hit points: 1,273,912
      Level: 99
      Attack element: Lightning
      Defense element: Lightning
      Experience: 4,500,000 / Ability: 12,000
      Gold drop: 5,000 coins

​​The term barbarian refers to their violent and energetic nature. They are not outcasts of the tribe. Quite the opposite. Barbarians are no ordinary warrior. Their zeal breathes fear into enemies. They are the most elite hunters in Salaime. One does not not simply outrun their onslaught if they have the speed to escape their field of vision. Unless you can leave the area (( room )), the slaughter continues from a great distance. The barbarians are one with the wind and the wind always outruns you.

If provoked they go into a fit of rage, harnessing the wind to silence their foes. One swift swing of their blade forged from the depths of the Red Dragon cave will suffocate an Aisling's will, rendering their magic useless.

Only the female warriors have the potential to reach the state of barbarian. Female warriors go through a ritual aided by the Guardians to become empowered by the Wind Spirit. This ritual happens very deep in the centre of Sacred Forest.

      Forest Guardian
      Hit points: 832,860
      Level: 99
      Attack element: Lightning
      Defense element: Lightning
​      Experience: 3,500,000 / Ability: 15,000
      Gold drop: 2,500 coins

​Stewards of all that is sacred in the forest. The guardians are looked up to for their magical abilities and wisdom. They serve as the herbalists, magicians, healers, and sages of the forest baem. When not training barbarians, they spend their time researching ways to gain more energy from the crystals. A guardian uses all her willpower to keep the crystals safe and untouched by anyone who might seek them out for their own possession.

Beware: they only need to come into arms reach to drain your life. With a touch of their staff, an Aisling's health withers by half. With one deep breath and a chant, the guardian can mend her wounds during battle in a flash. This is a last resort to keeping all that is holy to her safe from intruders.

​Group Hunting Guide

Feeling up to the challenge of defeating the hostile creatures of the Sacred Forest? The popular name for the hunting area is Tavaly, but that is a misnomer. Tavaly is the village that is under siege. Sacred Forest is the hunting ground.

Forming a party:

The typical party consists of having a caster and a basher. Multiple casters and bashers are needed at lower health and ability level to be successful. The reasoning behind this is explained below. Remember each party member must be of the 20th Ability insight to enter.


A "Caster" consists of the classes such as bard and summoner. You should have beag, mor, or ard fas as a buff and debuff. Each creature you encounter must be fassed to amplify the bashers' attacks. Each party member also needs fas for greater defense against attacks. Ard cradh is also a great debuff on the creatures as it lowers their armor class by 65. You will be responsible for healing the party members.


A "Basher" consists of the classes such as Archer, Druid, and Gladiator. As a basher, you will be the main leader of the party. It is suggested you spend time beforehand in the Training Dojo to gain the highest rank of your Medenian skills. Strong physical damage is a necessity when hunting in the Sacred Forest.

For Sacred Forest you want the caster of the group to be the highest health. The forest barbarians always attack the lowest health of the party and drain mana at a fast rate. If no caster with higher health is available I suggest having a summoner in the party for flower.

​Being prepared:

Once you have found some fellow companions to adventure into the Sacred Forest with, the party should be prepared in advance.

Your first stop should the Loures Underground Jail to visit Marlin to receive dia noahm aite. Dia aite lasts 2 hours and reduces the damage you receive by half. You can do this if you have completed "From the Heart Quest", or by grouping with someone who has. While in the castle you will pass Marlon the weapon smith, make sure to repair all of your items to full durability. The species of the wind baem have been known to break the strongest armors crafted by Aislings.

Be sure to stock a full supply of beothaich deum or komadium potions. Skulling can and will happen unsuspectingly at any given time in this dangerous area. Scrolls for fast travel are also handy, be sure each member of the party has these. You never know when you might become ambushed and need to flee.

Before entering Sacred Forest:

Meet at the entrance and make sure everyone in the party is fassed and has aite. For the bashers of the party I suggest wearing a necklace of the Fire element. A Blackstar or Metal necklace is most commonly used. A dark belt is a must have each member.

Now that your party is well prepared for the battle ahead, it is time to enter the first hunting ground and face these hostile creatures. Here are some tactics that can be used and what to expect.

​Fighting the Forest Warrior:

The warriors will teleport to you, or land directly on top of you. They cast asgall faileas and perfect defense. These are two spells a warrior of Temuair can learn at master. They spam perfect defense granting themselves immunity to spell damage, making all caster attacks useless against them. It is best to kill them with strong skill attacks such as cyclone kick, raging attack, or rear strike. Assailing them when they have asgall up can lead to you killing yourself. Only assail damage is reflected, skill damage is not.

The warrior can also cast pramh upon an entire group in a single cast. Should one of the casters in the party become pramhed, try throwing them. This usually works since they become a target for melee attacks by the warrior. The warriors also use execute "Plamit Crasher" on Aislings. Execute is a strong physical attack gladiators can learn by completing the Plamit Quest assigned by Maria Christine.

​Fighting the Forest Barbarian:

The barbarians are relentless in attacking you. Once you aggravate them, or "aggro" for shorthand, it is best that you kill this forest creature first. They will drain all of your mana. They also have strong regeneration. They ao sith spells also, which removes any debuffs you cast upon them, such as fas and cradh. A caster might have to respell them if they are not defeated fast enough. Their attack pierces through dion and also poisons you. They also possess the skill ambush, allowing them to jump over you and avoid your attacks.

Some bashers use a skill called frost strike to slow their movements down, which they learn in Aman Jungle. Like the warrior, the barbarian also casts perfect defense. Strong skills such as stab twice, duneswipe, and double rake will come in handy in defeating a barbarian.

​Fighting the Forest Guardian:

The guardians can be just as deadly as the warriors and barbarians. They will attack you with an ability very close to the Dark Ring Spell, which is a spell that Aisling wizards can gain by completing the Demon Lord Notes quest. The guardian's spell reduces your health by half with each cast. Suppose your health is 100k, then it will descend to 50k, then 25k and so on.

The guardian does not have perfect defense like the warrior or barbarian. With no protection against spell damage, spells such as torch and deception of life are ideal to use against them.

Guardians can instantly heal themselves to full health when they lose half or more than half of their health. This is a lot like the Aisling pure bard's salvation spell except it does not drain all of guardian's willpower. If you fail to defeat a guardian and turn your attention towards another creature, prepare to battle them from the start again. Strong skills are also useful in defeating the guardians.

Choosing a room:

There are nineteen hunting grounds to choose from. Each ground offers a different amount of creatures. No two grounds are the same for this matter. During my adventures in the Sacred Forest, I found hunting grounds one, five, and fourteen to be the best to optimize your returns on hunting. In ground one, you often find other parties so do not be afraid to explore to see what is best suited for your party.​

​Group Hunting Rates and Rewards

Why is Sacred Forest so attractive to hunters? The Sacred Forest can be an excellent place to gain experience and ability points. It is also a good place to help aislings with lower ability insights to advance. In other words, it is a good spot for leeching. The bigger the party is, the less experience one will gain per each kill. However, size has no effect on the ability points you receive. You read that correctly: group size does not diminish ability points received by group members with lower ability levels. This is not the case for most other areas in Medenia and Temuair.

Below is the data I compiled on returns from hunting as a four person group (( for one hour)). As you can see, the experience for four people is still very high. This makes Sacred Forest an ideal hunting area for experience. The returns on ability points are also decent. The archer in my group increased their ability level by eight levels. Gold drops, on the other hand, are very modest. Bear in mind that the three million gold we acquired was split four ways.


Chief Quinn of Tavaly, Maria Christine of Plamit Village, Chief Vortigern of Aman, and Hostile Chief of Aman.​

History essays
"The History of Medenia” by Brittany.

"The crystals of Salaime" by Laurier.

Big thanks to Wizadrian, Giggles, and ​Zuru who hunted with me and helped me collect my data. I would also like to thank them for proofreading my work.