of Contents
a Committee
the Date
Game Ideas
the Fair
Planning Events
Some of the events that have gone over well in prior
fairs are events that involved the interaction of the audience. Aislings
love to interact with those cast members on stage. An example of
some other events are as follows:
Sumo "throw" tournament: Using the "throw" skill,
aislings battle it out trying to push each other out of the ring. It has
been done two different ways. One way is in teams of 3, each team
member taking their turn to throw the opposing team member while other
teammates recover their strength from their last throw. Another version
one on one, two aislings battle it out. There can be several rounds
until you come up with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Summoning tournament: This has always been
a favorite. Each aisling summons a creature from the God and the
creatures battle it out, the last creature left standing is the winner.
Another version is Sgrios worshippers are hired by the host of the event
and there is an aisling v. creature battle.
Style show: This is always a fun event where
aislings show off all the armor available in Temuair.
Play: Most loved event. There are many
writings available in the library that can easily be converted into a play.
There are also a few partial plays available.
Aisling Auction: Also another loved event
as the audience gets to interact with the cast in making their bids.
Aislings sell their skills to others.
Trivia Contest: Mundanes graciously build
a stage just for this purpose. No whispering in the area is allowed
so it is impossible for an aislings to whisper the answers to another.
Scavenger Hunt: Mundanes also graciously
blessed us with a King's Hunt during the fair, in which Aislings entertained
King Bruce by bringing him items that he requested. King Bruce's
laughter could be heard throughout Temuair as one aisling after another
entertained him with their baubles.
Story telling and Sharing: There are may
talented aislings in Temuair who love to share their life stories and experiences.
Also many that write other stories as well. There is never a lack of someone
to tell a story.
Fair King and Queen: This is a difficult
event because if there are several entries, than a panel of aisling judges
must be chosen to limit the finalists to no more than 12. In
the past, mundanes have noted that if there are over 100 couples entering,
they would give 12/24 legend marks. If there are under 100
than 10-15% of the total will be finalists. If there are under 12
entering, all 12 may be finalists. If the total of entries is under 100,
than only 1 legend mark is given. Once the finalists have been chosen,
mundanes will set up a community vote to determine the winner(s).
Legend marks are as follows:
1st place King: Fair King with Queen <name>, Deoch
1st Place Queen: Fair Queen with King <name>, Deoch
2nd place Lord: Fair Lord with Lady <name>, Deoch
2nd place Lady: Fair Lady with Lord <name>, Deoch
All 3rd Place: Fair Noble, Deoch X
Mr. & Ms. Temuair: Lots of Aislings love
to show off what they got. This is a good event to let aislings strut their
stuff on stage. An aisling panel of judges must be chosen for this event.
Honored Guilds: Guilds can be honored during a
day of the fair and given stage time, many guilds can plan a unique event
and enjoy doing so. They can be anywhere from a talk show to an informational
seminar about their specific guild, to games and other events. Guild members
have been most helpful in planning their events which allows for constant
entertainment during the fair.
Mock Wrestling: A ring made of coins where
players mock wrestling each other. Those that are acting involve
the audience in the event.
Interviews: An aisling plays the part of
someone from Temuair's past and is interviewed by current aislings.
For example those interviewed could be Danaan, Chadul, Lord Tenes, or anyone
that has been written about in history. This is a good event to let
others know the history of Temuair that is displayed in the Aisling Library.
Now that you have a few ideas and your group has come
up with new and unique ideas, it's time to move on to the planning of each
It works best if the committee now breaks off into
smaller groups, each group being responsible for planning the event they
have chosen, seeking cast members and participants, writing up information
and advertising for the event, and keeping the chair person informed of
the progress and any requests needed from the mundanes as well as providing
the chair person with any announcements needing to be made by mundanes.