Faoi ​​Shaoránacht
On Citizenship

Citizenship Recommendations

Citizenship for an aisling should be considered first for the short term and then for the long term.

--Short Term--

In the short term citizenship consideration is essentially based around two factors: becoming an Aisling of Talgonite and learning the skill throw.

Aisling of Talgonite

To gain the ability to ascend most aislings must become an Aisling of Talgonite. One of the requirements to become an Aisling of Talgonite is to have held at least one term of Respected Citizen in Mileth or Rucesion OR be a Tagor citizen.

(An aisling can become an Aisling of Mythril or Aisling of Hy-byrasyl instead. However this path requires one to mentor 200 aislings (for Mythril) or achieve Aisling-level noble recognition via a submission to the Mileth College (for Hy-brasyl). As modern day aislings tend to reach the insights to ascend (97-99) at very young ages, it is extremely rare for one to have met one of those requirements so early in life.)

The skill throw can be learned by rogues and monks from the mundane Bodil in Abel. For peasants, priests, warriors and wizards the only way to learn throw is to take office as a Guard in Mileth or Rucesion.

Recommendation for Peasants, Priests, Warriors and Wizards
(and those not planning on rededicating themselves as a monk or rogue)
1. Stay in Mileth or take citizenship in Rucesion
2. Mentor an aisling
3. Enter politics and serve one term as a Respected Citizen
4. Become an Aisling of Talgonite
5. Serve one term as a Guard; receive the skill throw
6. Consider long term citizenship

[Important: An aisling must become an Aisling of Talgonite while the mark of Respected Citizen is still on their legend. If one renounces Mileth or Rucesion citizenship that mark will be lost. One can, however, assume Noes or Suomi citizenship without issue as these two citizenships override existing citizenship without any loss of political history in Mileth or Rucesion.]

Citizenship Basics
Mileth & Rucesion Politics
Noes Politics

References & Reading

Recommendations for Monks and Rogues

A: Easy Path
1. Renounce Mileth citizenship
2. Become a Tagor citizen [Tagor citizens do not need have served as a Respected Citizen to become an Aisling of Talgonite.]
3. Become an Aisling of Talgonite
4. Consider long term citizenship

[Important: An aisling must become an Aisling of Talgonite while still a Tagor citizen.]

B: Always Mileth Path (for those who want to retain their original at-spark Mileth citizenship)
1. Mentor an aisling
2. Enter politics and serve one term as a Respected Citizen
3. Become an Aisling of Talgonite

--Long Term--

After one has taking care of becoming an Aisling of Talgonite and learning throw they can consider citizenship in the long term. What citizenship would suit them the best? Let us review the elements one might consider for each citizenship.

1. Travel Times
If fast travel to destinations around Temuair is important then Rucesion and Suomi citizenships are best. If one spends most of their time in Medenia then Noes citizenship makes the most sense.

2. Politics
If one is interested in politics then Mileth and Rucesion citizenships are best. At the time of this writing politics in Mileth tends to be more active than that of Rucesion. While Noes possesses a unique political system of it's own it has been inactive and effectively broken for decades... though perhaps you could be the one to change that?

---Armor Dying: If one wants to be able to dye pre-master armors they must be a Mileth or Rucesion office holder.

3. Event Hosting
If event hosting is one's thing then they might consider Suomi citizenship with a goal perhaps of becoming a part of the Suomi Troupe. One can also apply to be a Suomi Culture Advocate as a non-Suomi citizen.

4. Legal Protections
The best legal protections protection come with Mileth and Rucesion citizenships. Their law enforcers will step in even when their citizens are victimized outside of their territories in many situations. However given the rarity of crime in modern Temuair the value of this factor could be argued as not very significant.

5. No Questions Asked
Mileth, Rucesion and Suomi put restrictions on their citizenships if an aisling has a criminal record (particularly more than three Ranger jails). Noes and Tagor have no restrictions currently.

6. Culture, Tradition & Ideology
Lastly some may also take into account the background culture, traditions and ideology of a state when considering citizenship:

_____Mileth: Founded by one Auren D'Winter; generally believed to be the first ever warrior in the sense of the path, Mileth largely rejected magic to focus on the sword. Later on though the patron goddess of priests - Glicoa - had her temple established in Mileth. In modern times Mileth has been known for it's scholarship as well as turbulent local politics. Generally Mileth has been regarded as among the most conservative politically all of aisling states and it's government has often been at loggerheads with Loures. In Deoch 177 it became the first state to recognize the independence of Undine. ((Mileth is loosely based on real-world old Ireland.))

_____Rucesion: Whereas Mileth rejected magic Rucesion instead embraced it and became the leading center of magical scholarship in Temuair with the Temple of Luathas - patron god of wizards - established there. It's central position as an island among the sea lanes allowed it become extremely wealthy from trade (both legitimate and through it's black market). Rucesion often was regarded as being more progressive than Mileth, though it's local politics could be just as vicious. ((Rucesion is loosely based on real-world old Portugal.))

_____Tagor was once large and prosperous until it became the birthplace of necromancy with large areas overrun by cursed and malevolent entities. It remained largely closed off from the rest of Temuair until Deoch 21. Despite all this, modern Tagor in many ways represents resilience. It's people never surrendered to darkness or fled but rather stayed, fought and fortified. It is home now to a diverse variety of aislings, mundanes, shops and services. ((Based upon the names of it's NPCs and it's story background Tagor is likely loosely based on real-world old Romania.))

_____Noes, like much of Medenia, is essentially on the frontier of wilderness. Unlike Temuair where there are well established travel routes and roads in Medenia one needs often needs to go through open and hostile territory to reach the next settlement. ((Noes does not appear to be based on any one particular real-world location, though many of the NPCs have names of Hebrew and Sanskrit origin. Hwarone on the other hand is very clearly inspired by East Asian civilizations.))

_____Suomi if it had to be described in one word it would probably be "distant". It has always stood at the periphery of Temuarian civilization. Some might argue though with Suomi being the host of the temple of Deoch - god of creativity and inspiration - perhaps Suomi is really the place where much of Temuair begins and then rolls down the mountains from there. In modern times it has been a bastion of traditional Temuarian culture. ((Suomi is loosely based on real-world old Sweden.))

Faoi ​​Shaoránacht - On Citizenship | A Practical Lore by Ramanayan Caesar of Mileth | 191.1.1