3. Did the alleged criminal activity occur in the territory of another aisling governed state (Mileth, Rucesion, Noes, Suomi), the Arena, Mileth College or a Religious Temple?
---YES: Your state does not have jurisdiction.
----NO: Continue to question 4.
States cannot prosecute cases that took place in territory of another state or the Arena, Mileth College or a Religious Temple. (Note: The Mileth College and the Glicoa Temple are independent entities and not Mileth territory. The same goes for the temples of Luathas and Sgrios in Rucesion.)
4. Is the victim or perpetrator of the alleged criminal activity a citizen of your state?
---YES: Continue to question 5.
----NO: Your state does not have jurisdiction.
Territory not under the control of Mileth, Rucesion, Noes, Suomi, the Arena, Mileth College or a Religious Temple is considered neutral territory. States may prosecute cases that took place in neutral territory if one of their citizens was involved (as either an alleged victim or perpetrator).
(Note: Pigeon Mail, Whispers and World Shouts are legally considered to be neutral territory.)
5. Has another aisling governed state (Mileth, Rucesion, Noes, Suomi) already prosecuted the case?
---YES: Your state does not have jurisdiction.
----NO: Your state has jurisdiction.
As mentioned earlier double jeopardy is absolutely forbidden by Loures ((Kru)) policy. A state may only prosecute a case in neutral territory if one of the citizens was involved AND no other state or Ranger has already prosecuted the case.