Semitas Arcana Temuair - The Paths of the Secrets of Temuair


Degeneration - Pitting the Enemy against Time

This accursed series of secrets, often the most destructive for all they touch - regardless of amount of vitality, are possessed by the Rogue, and the Priest. It includes the Poison Trap, Poison Snare, the Greater Poison Snare, Great Poison Snare, Puinsein and its beag iteration, as well as the secret of Cursed Tunes.

The Priest, as a peer of the domain of the Unholy, and a living conduit to the minds of others, can not only plant seeds of charm, protection, or healing, but also literally poison others’ minds and bodies through calling upon the secrets of Puinsein, or cleanse their allies’ minds, through Ao Puinsein. Once again, many wonder why it was not the Wizard who received such a destructive secret - but the answer is, once again, that Wizards have no aptitude in the fields of the Psychology of others - they lack the charisma, and awe-inspiring aptness of the Priest. Due to their even harder focus and rigidness of principle, the Pure Bards are able to play a horridly painstaking tune, inspiring their targets with their lyrics with demeaning and abhorrent thoughts, that wither them moment by the moment.

The rogue, once again, as is the case, lure their targets into traps, once again, through shadowy ways, and strike them with deadly toxic substances, once again evidencing their versatility, as the Rogues are the ones who have the most commons secrets and skills with the other paths, displaying their nature of being jacks-of-all-trades, and elucidating their nature of practically having no set values of their own, but instead are more than happy to steal those of others to put into their own use - such is the case with their traps and the priest secrets.
