Semitas Arcana Temuair - The Paths of the Secrets of Temuair


Dion & Iron Skin

Living in nature comes with no hardship and adjustment. The Monk, living in the wilderness, has learned to compromise with uncomfortable situations, and instead endure them. This has only made those of the Monk Path more used to punishment, and damage, and has hardened their skin by nature. These secrets elucidate the hardness of skin and natural adjustment that the Monks have to go through in order to live in harmony with the world of nature, as the Wardens of Nature that they are. Iron Skin is essentially an improved version of Dion, showing that Master Monks have endured much more hardship through nature and have adjusted their effects of invincibility to last longer. It is obvious that the second class that could be argued to be of relevant hardiness is the Warrior - however, those of the Path of the Warrior hide beneath their armour, leaving their skin unscathed and therefore have not naturally adjusted to natural damage, while those of the Monk Path are not afraid to expose themselves.

Mor Dion & Mor Dion Comlha

These invocations of invincibility allow the priest and their comrades to escape the clutches of destruction and decay completely for a section of time. It is obvious that as followers of Glioca, those of the Priest Path would be able to obtain the secret of Mor Dion earlier than those of the other paths, for her loving nature and alliance with Cail, the God of natural strength , allows her to grant her flock the most advanced iteration of the Dion secret before Masterhood and escape the dooms that would otherwise behold them.

The fitness of the priest to obtain the secret of Mor Dion Comlha goes unabashed and unquestioned; only the priest would be fitting to grant the greatest of protection to their allies; neither the arcane-driven wizard, nor the selfish rogue. It would go against a warrior’s principles to protect those undeserving; and the Monk cares more for balance; those who deserve to be harmed, should be harmed - they earn their invincibility secrets through hardship; for others to earn it as a gift would seem against their own principles of balance. 

Wings of Protection

The Wings of Protection, arguably the most powerful secret for hardening one’s body and making it invincible, is bestowed upon those pure to the path of the Wizard, by their Patron God Luathas. This is assumed by the divine nature of the secret, as well as Luathas’ typical attitude of interventionism to save his flock throughout the history of Temuair. Hence, it is but left to assume that this secret is a gift from the Patron of Wizards unto those most faithful in the Path he dictates.

As such, none else but the Pure Wizard would be so loved by Luathas as to be granted such an eminent gift, if not for those Wizards dirtied with the taint of other paths, and even less likely those not of the Wizard Path at all. 

Stone Skin

The Stone Skin secret, endowed to all Paths of a Certain Ability seems to be a universal reward from the Gods for the Aislings’ laborious efforts. In recognition of their efforts to master, and possibly rededicate, as well as rising in ability, the Aislings seem to be rewarded with the ability to harden themselves, as one does not go through all those painstaking labours by coincidence - a great degree of hardness of spirit, values, principles, as well as persistence is required. All these values are embodied in the Stone Skin secret, possessed uniformly by anyone of the requisite ability.
