Semitas Arcana Temuair - The Paths of the Secrets of Temuair


The Breisleichs - For far more easier it is to convince one to drive a sword to their heart, than drive it yourself

The Breisleich secrets, accessible to the Rogue and Priest path, as well as their beag and mor iterations, although only those of the Priest path may attain the Mor Breisleich secret. Though both secrets are superficially identical, the techniques differ. The Rogue, master of deceit and trickery, will trick their enemies through vocal taunts or other mischievous artifices, or even deceitful ploys and hoaxes that prank their targets into attacking one another.

The Priest, on the other hand, is granted this secret so as to eliminate the need for his allies to intervene and thus spare them from harm’s way. Other views would be that they put evil against evil, thus giving them their deserving fate – however, this theory faulters in that it assumes that just because one is an enemy, they’re also evil. More plausible is the already aforementioned explanation, however, it does not explain how this is achieved – it would again, have to do with the Priest’s affinity for others’ emotions, and their ability to influence them through their communion with the spirit realms.

The Taunts - A Vocal Annoyance

A common secret, bestowed upon those of the Rogue, Monk, or Warrior Paths. All three of these classes are able, and revolve around melee combat, and can therefore logically taunt their enemies vocally, so that they may get closer - or place their attention on them. Wizards, and Priests, usually having weaker defences than any of these three, would rather avoid attention, and are too wise and intelligent to vocally harass an enemy - and if they want to do it, they have a large repertoire of other ranged attack routes.

Even more taunts are granted to those of the Warrior Path, insult and spit, as the Warriors can often lose their easily-angered selves in the heat of battle, and descend into vulgar taunts and demeaning berserker-like attitudes. No other class would lose their self-control so easily in the field of battle, and therefore the extensive list of taunts is strictly restricted to thosle of the Warrior Path.

Seun - The Secrets of Charm

This section deals with the Seun secrets, and their Beag, Mor and Ard iterations. These secrets are not only Distraction - they're the epitome of double-crossing. The charm the enemy to the caster's grace, and make them want to fight for them. Which class would have such an imposing presence, so as to willfully convince an enemy to not only not hurt them, but instead fight for them? Some could say the Rogue, but make no mistake, the Rogue would trick them in doing so, not charm them with their presence. The answer, to this question, would be the Priest - so graceful and sometimes pacifist, they would truly fuel their enemy's guilt, and charm them with their aura.
